This cultivar originated with the Morden Research Station, Agriculture Canada, by Dr. C. R. Ure for the Prairie Fruit Breeding Cooperative, selected in 1960 at the Beaverlodge Research station, and released in 1975. The tree is vigorous, upright, with good branching habit, precocious, and annually productive. It is hardy to Zone 1, and resistant to fire blight. The fruit is medium size, 6.5 cm (2.5″) in diameter, slightly oblate, and matures in late August. . The skin is thin and greenish to yellow. The flesh is deep cream, crisp, juicy, sub acid, and slightly astringent. It is fair for fresh eating, good for cooking and stores for 4-8 weeks.
From the USDA Germplasm website: Fruit: size over 6 cm standard, yellow; flesh pure white coarse and resistant to browning; slightly tart; cooking and juice; keeps about 6 weeks. Consistently produces a large crop. Walter Manchester notes: “…subject to wood rotting fungi”. Tree: vigorous, upright, good branching habit, very winter hardy, hardier than Heyer 12; precocious, heavy annual cropping
Origin: Alberta
Hardiness: Hardiest
Ripening: Midseason
Size: Medium
Texture: Medium
Taste: Sweet and Tart
Uses: Cooking and Juice
Rating: 8