2022 Grafting workshop

Our first public grafting workshop since the start of the pandemic will be on Saturday, April 23 in the All-Purpose Room at Begich Middle School in East Anchorage.
The schedule will be as follows:

            11 am – Volunteers arrive and set up 
            11:30 am – Open for members
(bring scion wood, pick up rootstock, get grafting instruction)
            1:00 pm – Open to the public
            2:30 pm to 3:00 pm – Cleanup and out of the building

We can use up to two more grafting instructors.  If you are willing, please email Doug Damberg.
For those who did not pre-order rootstock last fall, we have a limited amount of baccata apple rootstock for sale. Consequently, we will be limiting on-site sales to 2 apple rootstock per person.  If you would like more, you will need to wait until the end of the workshop to see what is still available.