A Dozen Things to Do Before Snowfall
A Dozen Things to Do Before Snowfall
- Clean up leaves and fallen fruit to prevent disease and pests from over wintering.
- Remove diseased wood from trees and other plants.
- Wrap trees to protect against sunscald and rodent damage.
- Put up fencing or other means to protect fruit trees from moose.
- Send in soil samples for testing. The local CES office can give you a test kit which you then mail or take in to the Palmer Research Center. This test is $40.
- Make sure perennials and trees are watered well for the winter. Plants lose water even after going dormant. Watering after the ground freezes is ineffective.
- Wait to mulch plants until after the ground freezes to keep rodents from making homes in the bedding.
- Drain hoses and put away sprinklers, buckets and watering cans to prevent freezing damage.
- Clean, sharpen, and oil tools before putting into storage.
- Make sure plants have sturdy labels or that you have made a “map” of your plants so you do not forget which variety you planted where.
- Consider removing leaves by hand if your fruit tree leaves have not dropped before the first wet, heavy snowfall. Leaves hold the snow load and will break branches.
- Jot down a few things you noticed while cleaning up and submit them to your friendly neighborhood newsletter editor!!