This cultivar originated at the Morden Research Station, Agriculture Canada, by Dr. C. R. Ure for the Prairie Fruit Breeding Cooperative, selected at the University of Alberta in 1960, and released by Beaverlodge Research Station, Alberta in 1976. The tree is semi-dwarf, rounded, precocious, and annually productive. It is hardy to Zone 1, and its reaction to fireblight requires further observation. The fruit is 5.5 cm (2 +”) in diameter, slightly oblate, and matures in early to mid August. The skin is thin, greenish-yellow, and almost completely covered with shiny dark red. The flesh is cream coloured moderately firm, acid and somewhat astringent but with good flavour. It is fair to good for fresh eating and cooking, and stores for 3-4 weeks. It has a pleasant strawberry flavor. Note: It is mainly recommended for northern regions where hardy cultivars are rare.
From the USDA Germplasm website: Fruit: size 5 cm standard, yellow-green, overlaid with shiny dark red. Cooking and dessert. Ripening late August; keeps about 6 weeks. “A small but tasty apple:, says Sprout(nursery) A replacement for Rescue. Small tree, selected for earliness and hardiness. Flesh cream colored, moderately firm, slightly tart, good flavor. Harvest early, 5 days after Dawn Tree: small, upright-spreading; very winter hardy, hardier than Osman and Heyer 12; precocious; annual cropping.
Origin: Alberta
Hardiness: Hardiest
Ripening: Early-Mid
Size: Applecrab
Texture: Medium
Taste: Sweet
Uses: Cooking and Dessert
Rating: 8