Posts Tagged ‘blueberries’
From the President
By Pat Mulligan Hello members. Much of the value of this group is the sharing of experience. When one member tries something new, we all benefit. Why should we miss new, hardier plants or make the same mistakes? Our newsletters convey some of our experiences. Please join me in thanking Dawn Deiser for scanning…
Read MoreNews from a half-high blueberry grower
I ordered about 200 plantlets of the half high blueberries from Minn-Viho and they arrived May 1. To say I was shocked at their appearance would be no exaggeration. I had prepared two raised beds filled with about a 50-50 mix of top soil and peat moss with two or three bags of cow manure…
Read MoreA few comments on half-high blueberries
In August, I had the opportunity to attend the International Society for Horticultural Science’s symposium on Vaccinium culture. The meeting was attended by researchers from all over the world including Dave Wildung from the North Central Experiment Station, Grand Rapids Minnesota. The half high blueberries, ‘Northblue’, ‘Northsky’ and ‘Northcountry’ were developed at the U of…
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