Posts Tagged ‘recipe’
Featured Fruit — Blueberries
Blueberry –Vaccinium spp. Related to azaleas and rhododendrons, blueberries need a highly organic, cool, moist, well drained soil with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5. Tiny, urn shaped white or pink flowers decorate the plant in spring, followed by green berries that turn blue when ripe. Roots grow very near the soil surface, so…
Read MoreApple Recipes from the 2001 Apple Tasting
Apple Pie Bars from Teddy Tebo Filling 4 cups pared, cored sliced apples (1/8 in. thick) 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup flour 1 t cinnamon 1/4 t nutmeg 1/4 t ginger 2 egg whites, slightly beaten Crust: 2 cups flour 1/2 cup sugar (optional) 1/2 t baking powder 1/2 t salt 1…
Read MoreFeatured Fruit: Rhubarb
Rhubarb – Rheum rhabarbarum Rhubarb is an easy to grow perennial if planted in well drained soil. The stalk is the edible portion (the large leaves are poisonous) and comes in varying shades of green to red. Longer stalks can by obtained by blanching young plants in the spring using a cardboard box with the…
Read MoreFeatured Fruit: Strawberry
Strawberry – Fragaria Strawberry plants are composed of sets of three saw-toothed leaflets growing on slender, 8-20 inch tall stalks. The berries can be white, pink, or red and are fleshy and juicy. Strawberries are generally self fruitful. There are three classifications of strawberries based on when they flower and produce fruit. June bearers start…
Read MoreFeatured Fruit: American Red Currant
American Red Currant (Ribes Triste) These , straggly, thorn free shrubs grow 1 1/2 feet to 5 feet high with reddish brown shreddy bark. The smooth leaves have 3-5 toothed lobes, and may or may not be hairy underneath. The fruit is ready in late summer, drooping in clusters from the stems just below…
Read MoreFeatured Fruit: Spruce Tips
White Spruce is found on well drained soil on south facing gentle slopes and along the edges of rivers and lakes. Black Spruce grows on north facing slopes and in lowlands that are underlain by permafrost. Sitka Spruce grows in coastal areas. Collect the new, bright green, soft growth on the tips of well established…
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