I have a few young Evans cherries in the yard, but I’m looking to expand my cherry varieties. The question I have is this: are all cherries up here grafted? If so, what root stock is typically used? Any suggestions for reliable cherry varieties? Thanks in advance!
Most commercial cherries are grafted and typically they are on mahaleb which is not reliably hardy here. Members have used p. maackii successfully and is hardy anywhere here but will make a huge tree. Some of us are trialing a new clonal rootstock Krymsk 5 and 6, developed in Russia. Evans typically is on it’s own roots and is also called bali cherry. Evans could be used as a rootstock and so could pin cherry. Many are growing Surefire. Northstar is another good pie cherry. You might want to get on the list for Romeo for next year we are bringing in. Carmine Jewel and Crimson Passion are two other cherries from U of S being grown. All the U of S cherries are own root. Cherries need a good micro climate to thrive. not everyone has had great success but some with a good location have thriving cherries. Evans doesn’t grow well for me but I know of some Evans trees that are thriving in Anchorage and Big Lake.