We have a six year old Meteor cherry that, except for last winter’s kill, has been quite healthy and has put on hundreds of flowers every spring. But the “fruit” gets to size of small ball bearings and then falls off. It is supposed to be self-fertile.
Its tenure in our yard has overlapped with that of a Northstar cherry. The Northstar would have been eleven years old this year, but it gave up the ghost last year (moose damage). It was supposed to be self-fertile, too. The Northstar also put on lots of blooms but never produced more than a few cherries. I would have pulled it up earlier if my wife had let me!
This year we planted a Lapins cherry and have our fingers crossed, but would appreciate any thoughts on how to convince these plants that they really ought to start pumping out at least a few quarts of plump cherries. Threats of uprooting aren’t working.
PS: oops – maybe I should have posted this in “Ask a question…”